Quality Fly Ash Products

ASHPRO Fly Ash can be collected or delivered timeously by our in house tanker transport fleet.

Quality Fly Ash Products

ASHPRO Fly Ash can be collected or delivered timeously by our in house tanker transport fleet.

Quality Fly Ash Products

ASHPRO Fly Ash can be collected or delivered timeously by our in house tanker transport fleet.

ASHPRO has a long term contract with Eskom to draw unclassified ash from Matla Power Station. With an on site storage capacity of 6 000 ton, our plant is ideally situated to conveniently supply the Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Northwest and Limpopo regions.

Regular testing of the ash produced by Matla Power Station will ensure the consistency of the product. ASHPRO fly ash can be collected or delivered timeously by our in house tanker transport fleet. ASHPRO is a Level 2 BEE organization.

ASHPRO Hybrid Ash

A reactive fly ash conforming to SANS 50450 fly ash for concrete. The percentage passing the 45 micron tends to stay in the lower thirties (%) making it one of the finest unclassified fly ash products available.

ASHPRO Conditioned Ash

A fine reactive aggregate that can be used to replace natural sand in various concrete and precast product applications. The moisture content of 2% to 10% assists in the transporting & storage on site as well as cancelling the need for a dedicated silo.

Advantages of using fly ash:

  • Reduced water usage
  • Production cost savings
  • Reduced chloride and sulphate attack
  • Added workability
  • Improved concrete placing and pumping
  • Improved quality and consistency
  • Added long term strength
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Reduces shrinkage
  • Improved durability