Fly Ash

Introducing Fly Ash, a versatile material with a chemical composition that includes SiO₂, Al2O₃, CaO, Fe₂O₃, TiO₂, MgO, and K₂O. With a low Loss of Ignition (LOI) and high Reactive Silicon Dioxide, it offers exceptional fineness and reliability for your projects. Let Ashpro provide you with the finest quality Fly Ash for all your construction needs.

Chemical Composition (%)

SiO₂ 45—57
Al2O₃ 25—35
CaO 4,0—10,0
Fe₂O₃ 4,0—5,0
TiO₂ 1—2,0
MgO 1,5—2,5
K₂O 0,5—1,5
Na Equivalent: 1,0

Typical Characterics

Loss of ignition (LOI) 3.0 % 5.0 %
Reactive Silicon Dioxide 30 %
Fineness retained on the 45 micron sieve 30-34%


Reactivity of Fly Ash

During cement hydration a pozzolanic reaction takes place with the Calcium Hydroxide that is available.

ASHPRO fly ash will continue reacting as long as there is sufficient moisture available. This will result in long term gains in strength and durability.